specialty classes
Openness MEditation
A 10 minute meditation to encourage curiosity and opening up to possibility.
Restorative - Keep what’s yours, let the rest fall away
A 30 minute restorative practice. Props needed, a bolster, 2 (at least) blankets and 2 blocks.
New Moon Meditation
A new moon practice and meditation for calling in your desires and letting go of what no longer serves.
Sankalpa meditation and journaling
Explore your intentions for the year ahead with this meditation and journaling exercise.
HIIT & Hips
For when you want to amp things up but still want a good stretch. 25 minutes of high intensity interval training followed by 10 minutes hip opening cool down.
gratitude Meditation and journaling
Remember and celebrate the sweetness in your life with this 15 minute meditation and journal prompt.
Digestive reboot
A 35 minute practice to support your digestive health.
Breathe + Stretch
A 20 minute practice for when you just need some simple pranayama and gentle stretching. We start with diaphragmatic breath and sun breaths. Move into some gentle morning stretching and close with a few hip openers.
The 20 Gunas
Learn about 10 opposing pairs of characteristics or qualities occurring in nature (from an Ayurvedic perspective) and how you can balance them within your own life to manage your well being and understanding of the world around you.
New beginnings meditation
A meditation for when you need to start fresh and begin again.
Arrival MEditation
A meditation for when you need to settle in, land in your own experience and clear your mind.
Endocrine Balance Specialty Practice
This 30 minute practice is meant to settle your nervous system and encourage balance within our complex hormonal systems by building and nourishing.
The Ayurvedic Clock
Optimize your energy and get into the flow of a routine to support your wellbeing inspired by the circadian rhythms of nature.
Links below for examples of the Ayurvedic Clock
Compassion Meditation
A meditation to inspire both self compassion and compassion toward others. Use this when you need to soften your heart.
Pitta Dosha Discussion
An overview of Pitta Dosha - you’ll learn what Pitta looks like in its balanced state and how to tell if there’s too much Pitta (fire/water) and what to do to balance it.
Dasha Chalana, Nadi Shodhana & Savasana
A quick and simple reboot practice including the ten preparatory churnings of the joints, alternate nostril breathing and a juicy savasana.
A discussion about the #1 cause of ‘disease’ in Ayurveda, committing a crime against wisdom or offending your intellect. Learn how to do better once you know better and deeply listen and respond to your own needs.
Restorative Practice
Take time to rest, reset and allow yourself to ‘do nothing’. Enjoy this 30 minutes restorative practice.
The Purushartas
Learn about the 4 aims, or goals, of life in Ayurveda - dharma, artha, kama and moksha. This talk will walk you through these four concepts and look at different ways to find balance, purpose and joy in your life.
Kapha clearing kapalabhati
A quick invigorating pranayama practice to feel brighter and more energetic.
Kapha Dosha discussion
An overview of Kapha Dosha - you’ll learn what Kapha looks like in its balanced state and how to tell if there’s too much Kapha and what to do to balance it.
From Anxiety to Ease Meditation
If you’ve been feeling scattered, stressed, or unsure - this is a meditation to settle your nerves and bring you back into your body so that you’re able to move through anxiety into a place of ease.
Vata Dosha discussion
This talk will give you an understanding of what Vata dosha is, how it expresses itself in our lives and how we can manage it to feel more grounded, calm and creative.
every day ayurvedic principles
This talk will introduce you to the basics of Ayurveda so you can start bringing these simple and intuitive principles into your life.
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama practice
A nourishing, calming breathwork practice to balance left and right hemispheres of the brain.