On demand asana
Feel and notice every sensation so that you can be more present to the world around you. A well rounded 30 minute flow to enliven you experience in the moment.
Excitement Vs Expectation
A 30 minute class to manage anticipation and anxiety at the threshold of something new. Relax into the unpredictability of your practice as it changes each day.
Shot of Espresso with Sarah Diedrick
This 20 minute flow will kick your energy up a notch with sun salutations, activating postures, and few chances to hop around and get your heart rate up. No props needed. Enjoy!
Sarah Diedrick is a yoga teacher (E RYT 500), writer, and sex educator. Her work centers around pleasure, embodiment, and connection. Sarah's classes combine concise cues, intelligent sequencing, and playful energy for a well-rounded movement class. Every area of her work strives to welcome all experiences, and yet, ignite the kind of awareness and confidence that moves us towards what feels most inspiring and supportive in our lives. You can connect with Sarah through Instagram (@sarahdiedrick) and on her website (sarahdiedrick.com).
Move Forward Flow
A 30 minute potpourri practice you can use when you need to move forward. Cross the threshold using everything you’ve learned up until now.
Shake It Off
Shake off whatever feels stale or stuck from the past year and invite in new energy to move forward.
Beauty of binds
A 30 minute class dedicated to bound postures. Notice how binds can create more space for you in your poses and consider what is important enough for you to bind yourself to it.
Chaos & Creativity
Accept the chaotic parts of your life for what they are and use them to fuel your creative inspiration through this 50 minute ladder flow practice with peak pose of king pigeon, eka pada rajakapotasana.
Props needed - bolster and strap
Express Yourself
Remember who you are and let it shine in this 25 minute practice. We will move through a quick warm up, some heating standing poses and end with a few seated forward folds.
Bonus class with Asami Martens! My dear friend and gifted teacher. This class is a treat - I took it and LOVED it. Enjoy a 75 minute slow flow, meditation and pranayama practice.
Cozy Flow
Follow the seasonal pull to turn inward with lower and slower movements.
Props needed: 2 blankets, a strap and 2 blocks
Compassionate Commitment
Commit to more self compassion. Dedicate to your practice while accepting yourself for where you are in the moment. A 45 minute full flow.
Work Break Flow
A practice to break up, start or finish or your work day - full of front body and hip openers and a chance to get upside down in L pose at the wall.
Goddess Flow
This practice explores the goddesses Kali, Saraswati and Lakshmi as they relate to your experience in life. Move through a full flow and discover the characteristics of these stories in yourself.
Get into the groove
A 30 minute flow for when you need a little encouragement to get on your mat and a reminder of why you loved to practice yoga in the first place.
Unveil your Truth
This 40 minute practice is for when you have low self esteem or don’t feel like you’re able to share who you really are. We will move through the three ‘malas’ (cloaks or veils) to understand why your inner essence may be covered and what to do to let your unique truth out.
Go To AM Practice
Think of this practice as your go to wake up flow. Practice first thing in the morning or any time you need to get things moving and brighten things up.
Creativity Booster
A 30 minute creative flow class to stoke your own inventive fire, featuring figure 4 variations and finishing up with seated twists and side bends.
Twisting Refresh
A quick practice full of twisted variations of familiar poses to support detoxification so you can feel fresh and invigorated.
Pitta Pacifying Practice
A flowing practice to soothe agitation, cool down and bring in a sense of calm and ease.
Flow for an Open Attitude
A full flow in about 35 minutes to encourage staying open to possibility, including a bound version of ardha chandrasana and playing with pincha mayurasana. (sound cuts out at 27min in child’s pose - but comes back).
Moksha Asana Practice
A 30 minute practice to celebrate freedom. The final in the Purusharta series.
Kama Asana Practice
Third in the Purusharta series, this class is a flow for the pure enjoyment of it.
ARtha Asana Practice
30 minute practice to embody the 2nd aim of life in Ayurveda. Find the right amount of abundance to achieve your goals.
Prenatal flow
A 30 minute practice for mothers to be or new mamas.
***For this practice you’ll need a bolster, 2 -3 blankets and 2 blocks.
Dharma Asana practice
This 30 minute practice is the first in a series about the Purushartas, 4 aims of life in Ayurveda. We focus on purpose, action and working toward what matters.
Strength building yoga HIIT
A mix of yoga inspired poses, cardio and high intensity interval training to cultivate strength, power and confidence.
Kapha Clearing Practice
A 30 minute practice to clear stagnation, brighten your energy and uplift your spirits.
Jump start your morning
A morning flow to wake you up and move your day in the right direction.
grounding vata reducing flow
When Vata is high, we tend to feel anxious, stressed and scattered. This class will reduce Vata with low and slow movement and leave you with a sense of calm.
post work practice
A fun flow to get moving and clear your mind after a long day of work or screen time.
30(ish) minutes to urdvha dhanurasana
A quick upper body flow peaking to wheel pose.